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Writer's pictureOlivia@fit4apear

Haunting Past...

“You realize that our mistrust of the future makes it hard to give up the past.” Chuck Palahniuk

Whether it be a job, a relationship, or a house it can be difficult to leave the past behind. Physically removing one’s self can be hard, but nothing compared to removing an unfulfilled desire or a finished relationship from your mind. I’m sure most of us have been haunted or will be by something from our past at some point in life.

It’s interesting that there are some past that we have no problem leaving behind while there remains those disruptive pasts that haunt our thoughts. Were we more passionate or devoted to these past? Were they meant to be? Should we have? If we would have? Most likely, the answer to all above questions is NO. Do we have a scarcity mindset when it comes to these aspects of our lives? Mostly likely, YES.

The scarcity mindset says there is little to nothing available in the future for us, so we must hold on tight to what we have or the thought of what we had. There are not enough jobs, so I’ll hold on to the one I’m miserable at. There are not enough men, so I’ll hold on to the one feeding me crumbs. These are typical expressions of a scarcity mindset. Do you have a scarcity mindset? You don’t have to have a scarcity mindset across-the-board. You may have an abundance mindset when it comes to money but have a scarcity mindset when it comes to love. Checkout resources on scarcity mindset

When I notice scarcity mindset behaviors in my life I use journaling to steer my thoughts. I repetitively write the opposing thoughts to my scarcity thoughts. If I am feeling that opportunities are not available to me, I write the following in my journal. “There are abundant opportunities awaiting me. I attract opportunity.” I encourage you to take a reflective look at those areas of your life that feel unaligned with your needs. We must trust that our creator will supply us with what we need in the future. The supplied may not be what we envision or what we expect, but it will be what is needed. You cannot catch a dollar bill while holding a quarter in each hand.

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Patricia Neal
May 30, 2019

I love the chart!!

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